Otto's Streetscape Mailbox Promotion
For many years we have had an agreement with Otto’s Streetscape to be our primary source on mailbox needs in Meadowlark. This agreement gives us a discount on their normal pricing. The past few years they have also offered us a Week of Special Pricing promotion when an additional discount is given to Meadowlark homeowners who place an order during the promotion. They are once again offering this promotion for the week of July 1st through the 5th, 2024. All orders placed by that time will receive the promotional discount.
Below is the Meadowlark pricing provided by our agreement with Otto's.
This flyer is for the Special Week of Pricing - July 1 to 5, 2024 - which gives anyone placing an order an additional discount. Note the amount discounted in the Savings column.
As it states, place your order for any of the services listed on the flyer by the end of the Special Promotion week to receive the promotion discount.
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