Our Management Co.
KIRKPATRICK MANAGEMENT CO, INC. has been providing management services to the Meadowlark community since 2009:
- Bills and collects annual assessment/special assessment fees.
- Manages deposit of collections and payment of expenses.
- Prepares Monthly financial statements.
- Prepares Annual budget.
- Works with the Board on the maintenance of all Common Grounds.
- Works with the ARC group on all improvement requests by homeowners.
- Notifies, processes, and oversees violations of the covenants by homeowners.
- Works with the Board on contracts for snow removal, lawn services, and maintenance of ponds and fountains.
Aubrianna Strickland, Community Association Manager (CAM)
Kirkpatrick Management Co., Inc.
5702 Kirkpatrick Way, P. O. Box 20630
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Direct: (317) 872-8090 or Office 24/7 Number: (317) 570-4358
Send all questions or issues about lawn services, snow removal and violations to our CAM.
Sunnie Miller, Customer Support Representative (CSR)
Direct: (317) 558-5830 or Office 24/7 Number: (317) 570-4358
Send all ARC requests to our CSR for processing.
KMC Connect
KMC provides a portal which allows all Meadowlark residents to view their accounts, pay online, and do a host of other things, such as:
- Receive important community updates from your management company
- Communicate with your management company using private messaging
- Access the KMC community directory
- View your community calendar
- Access documents made available by your management company
- Download the mobile app from the App Store and Google Play
- Log in daily at http://meadowlarkhoainc.frontsteps.com/users/sign_in to see important updates
- and more ...
NOTE: For instructions on how to access the KMC Connect web page, view your pay history, and enter a maintenance issue, click here.